Global human rights guideline

1 Global Human Rights Policy

Declaration and attitude of Megatron GmbH to the observance and promotion of human rights.


1.1 Aim of the declaration

In this declaration, Megatron GmbH commits to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the core conventions of the International Labor Organization of the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), to which Megatron GmbH has been committed since 2016.


1.2 Scope

This Human Rights Policy applies to the entire company. Megatron GmbH seeks to ensure compliance with human rights in all markets and the supply chain. Megatron GmbH also selects its business partners and suppliers based on this policy.


2 Human rights

Our Code of Conduct provides clearly defined binding rules of behavior for all Megatron GmbH employees and managers, including compliance with human rights. The Code of Conduct requires that we behave fairly and in accordance with the law toward employees, colleagues, business partners and the community. Megatron GmbH is committed to respecting and promoting human rights and to reporting transparently on its compliance.

Our commitment to promote human rights applies to all Megatron GmbH employees. As a company, we consider this commitment to be our social and ethical duty and an important prerequisite for the sustainable development of our company.

Beyond this commitment to human rights, Megatron GmbH ensures that employees are made aware of the issue of human rights as part of internal communications.


2.1 Working conditions

Megatron GmbH creates a working environment in which all employees can perform to the best of their abilities and flourish. To this end, we provide comprehensive training and development opportunities and offer and promote a culture of open and appreciative exchange throughout the company.


2.1.1 Prohibition of child and forced labor

Megatron GmbH ensures compliance with all legal labor standards at all of its operating sites. Megatron GmbH does not tolerate any form of forced labor and/or child labor.


2.1.2 Mental and physical health

Megatron GmbH pays attention to the health of its employees, which includes social, psychological and physical health factors. In doing so, Megatron GmbH also considers workload and ensures compliance with legal standards. To promote a positive and appreciative working environment, we expect our employees to deal fairly, openly, respectfully and professionally with all colleagues, external partners such as customers and suppliers, as well as public officials and the general public.


2.1.3 Harassment

Megatron GmbH does not tolerate any discrimination, racist remarks or harassment in the work environment with regard to age, disabilities, origin, gender, political stance, religion, ideology or sexual orientation (zero tolerance policy).

To protect employees from harassment, Megatron GmbH takes the necessary measures to prevent critical situations from arising. Should cases nevertheless occur, Megatron GmbH has defined processes to prevent recurrences through appropriate measures. All employees of Megatron GmbH have access, among other things, to an anonymous complaints facility.

2.1.4 Data protection

Megatron GmbH places the highest demands on data protection – especially for the protection of customers and employees. For this reason, Megatron GmbH has defined processes and requirements for the collection, storage and processing of data. Megatron GmbH has appointed a data protection officer to monitor data protection. Megatron GmbH therefore does not use cloud services.


2.1.5 Labor standards

Megatron GmbH supports the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The essential building blocks of the elimination of forced labor, the abolition of child labor and the prohibition of discrimination in employment and occupation are self-evident for Megatron GmbH.


2.1.6 Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Megatron GmbH regards freedom of association as the basis for regular dialogue between a company and its employees. Megatron GmbH respects the individual right to freely join, engage in and withdraw from employee associations in order to assert and defend employee interests. Megatron GmbH does not restrict the freedom of association.

Megatron GmbH recognizes the importance of dialogue with employee organizations such as trade unions.


2.1.7 Suppliers

Megatron GmbH refers all suppliers to the criteria of the UNGC and includes compliance with the UNGC in the supplier evaluation. Suppliers are expected to conduct business in compliance with applicable national and international laws, regulations and guidelines.


2.2 Diversity and inclusion

Megatron GmbH is expressly committed – also within the framework of its Diversity and Inclusion Policy – to the principles of equal treatment of its employees and to the strict principle of anti-discrimination.


3 Surveillance, whistleblowing

Megatron GmbH ensures compliance with the applicable legal requirements in each country in which the company operates. If local standards are below the level defined by the UNGC or ILO labor standards, Megatron GmbH will review the extent to which the standards in this statement can still be applied. If legal standards make it impossible to comply with human rights in a country, Megatron GmbH will seek ways to protect human rights.

Should an employee of Megatron GmbH become convinced that a conflict exists between this commitment to respect human rights and local legislation, they are obligated to bring this case to the attention of the compliance officer or superior manager in the region.

To ensure compliance with human rights, Megatron GmbH has created a way to report human rights violations.

  • If an employee discovers a violation of human rights, he or she should contact the Compliance Officer, his or her manager or supervisor, or his or her local Human Resources contact.
  • Furthermore, all employees have the option of making an anonymous report (whistleblowing).
  • If, after a report, it becomes apparent that Megatron GmbH has been involved in a violation of human rights, the company will take action.

All employees are required to implement this policy and clearly represent its values to suppliers and other stakeholders.

Megatron GmbH provides information, training and support to all of its employees in order to anchor this Policy within the company.


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